Chapter 6, page 20
There’s an abundance of traitors everywhere, it seems.
This incident (and everything that follows) is actually a real event, usually referred to as “the traitor Kalambouras’ end”. It not only exists as a (very frugal) entry in Napoleon Zervas’ diary, but also in other accounts, both from ELAS and the EDES. And for it being just a line in the text of a great many things, it’s actually quite divisive in what I call “partisan historians” (people giving accounts from a very biased, political party POV). For EDES/ right-wing accounts it’s treated as evidence to the mountain resistance brutality. For ELAS/left-wing accounts, it’s treated as evidence the right wing nurtures traitors. I think in the coming pages it’ll be evident why, even in the version I present which I find the most likely to have happened.
Lastly, it has come to my attention that it’s likely both generals had light-colored eyes, most likely blue. So now, they both have blue eyes 🙂