Chapter 8, page 22
It’s Time Zero and the attack is starting! It is reported that any element of surprise the Greeks tried to have, was blown because it became clear they were expected: the silo gunners started shooting as soon as the hour turned 11. Who gave away the plan hasn’t been found, apparently. But we can speculate for narrative purposes >:D
“AEPA” is the battle cry of the Greeks. I’ve written it in Greek so it’s pronounced ah-EH-rah! It means “wind”, and it’s an invocation for the wind to sweep away the enemy. It was what the Greeks would yell when launching attacks at the front in the Greco-Italian front, and it’s still what’s being used. The story of its origins is up at my patreon, exclusively for my Resistance tier patrons and up!
Anyway… our Italian buddy here is using the notorious Breda m30 light machine gun. By common consensus, it’s considered one of the worst light machine guns ever made! It had a low rate of fire, low magazine capacity, and was highly prone to stoppages. It was also highly dependent on a capable loader for it to be at its peak performance.
I had to skip the previous week because I was exhausted. apologies about that! We’re back on track. However, the Christmas holidays are upon us, and I will take a break so I won’t break. XD Next update will be on Tuesday, January 3, 2023! But if you’re my patron you canĀ see it right now along with many other extras!
Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Or generally great winter holidays!