Fanart of all types by wonderful artists, for Without Moonlight!
This is a first presentation of all the fanart I have gotten. I KNOW it is incomplete but some I can’t locate due to a computer change. If you don’t see your fanart here, drop me a note and I will add it!
(also, you can always create more fanart for me to add.. )
My first ever fanart, by none other than Crimean Doodler of the amazing comic The Second Crimean War!
And here is his second fanart! Older Basil with younger Slava, probably around 1960 more or less, Slava being his awesome badass character from The Second Crimean War!
And here is his third fanart! (they are getting better and better):Elderly Alex riding a side bike through the streets of Athens being forever young and awesome 😀
By my very best friend and amazing artist, co-creator of our comic Brave Resistance and creator of her own thrash epic Putrid Meat, the awesome Pit-Face:
By Denise (Tigershark) Randall, creator of science fiction epics Gemutations: Plague and The Only Half Saga, among others:
By Vickie Boutwell of the grand noir / crime comic Used Books:
She has also written a short WM fanfiction! Read Tin Can Gamble on Deviantart!
By the amazing Abt Nihil, author of several philosophical science fiction comics I bet Asimov would enjoy, such as Holon and Signifikat:
By Elektrifeir4:
By Strix Van Allen:
The amazingly done commission by Natalie Asplund!
By Azyzl of the webcomic Crystal Ball:
By a mysteriously anonymous Secret Santa, who put Basil in a tux, and when that happened, the earth stood still.
This amazing poster, with a nod to this historic one about the Greek struggle, of very subtle but evident Christmas highlights is by Emevsa who was my Secret Santa, of the awesome Space Opera Constellation Chronicle! Check out their work and support them!
By the very excellent Karen Heckman, who creates the fantasy adventure webcomic The Last Traveller, this beautiful image of Martha, being confident as she smokes!