AND IT BEGINS! Chapter 5 is finally here, where all the action and the juiciness exists! Also this is the start of Volume 2 of Without Moonlight, we’re officially in the slope towards the endgame! Not too steep a slope[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Posts Tagged historical fiction
Chapter 5, page 2
This is where Father Yannis lives! Not too luxurious… Martha and Arthur meet again. Early update for you, as there’s a change in how I do things! Now, my patrons can see the next page IMMEDIATELY! If you’re my patron,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Arthur is trying too hard. And the stuff he’s saying about why the Germans are in the war isn’t fantastical, it’s part of the actual propaganda intended to make them feel the good guys in this. Here’s a sample if[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Chapter 5, page 9
The nightmare ends and it has been a while, it seems. Look! Stubble! Next update will be August 13, but my patrons can see it right now!
Chapter 5, page 10
So things are happening all around! And for the history buffs, yes the last panel is a nod to a pretty famous Dutch resistance photo. Enjoy! And as always, we got a cameo by Pit-Face as a Resistance Captain, because[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Hello! Have a great September! We’re back, and I hope you’ll like what’s in store in Without Moonlight! For now, we got an micromanaging Orestes and a (relatively?) uncooperative Fotis. As always, we got the cameo of Pit-Face as a[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Fotis harbors a lot of anger. But he can still laugh, even if it’s a little unhinged yet. XD AND his mind is as sharp as ever. Next update will be on September 24th! But my patrons can see it[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Fotis and Diomedes’ perceptions of recent events are different. Next update will be on October 8! But my patrons can see it right now! Please consider becoming one, there’s a lot more to see!
Iris gets around, doesn’t she? Next page will be up on Monday, October 22, but my patrons can see it right now! Consider becoming my patron and help me make more WM content faster for you!
Iris is displeased with Orestes and put him in the doghouse. That said… We’re on page 15 already! So much thanks to my patrons [Ethan Michael Crane, Emi Egan, Ozoneocean, Deidre Crouch, Banes] who make this happen! Next update will[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…