Yes, Raban is dead. But he stayed long enough for some famous last words. Oh my goodness this chapter is finally finished! Took me a year to accomplish! But now we’re officially where we started off in the prologue! >:D[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Archive for arthur
And so we embark on the beginning of the second part of Without Moonlight! (For those not aware, WM has 6 Chapters in total) Chapter 4 is the beginning of the big reckoning. I’m really excited to finally getting to[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Finally an update! Too many things happening in my life that kept me from making these. Here’s hoping it’s smooth sailings this summer and we get on with the story! Here we got a sample of Arthur’s sleuthing abilities…[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Remember this church Diomedes just went to? It’s where Fotis first took Alec, the SOE agent all the way back in chapter 2.
Sometimes, the world around you fades. Many thanks to Deidre Crouch of Putrid Meat for posing for me for Arthur in that first panel there!
…someone’s sleep is disturbed. On another note I’ve finally recovered from that horrid flu. I still got a buffer! Next update will be on February 15! But those who are or become my patrons will see it on February 12![…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Who might it be indeed? Still got a buffer! Next update will be on February 26! But my patrons will be able to see the next page early, on February 23!
This is what Alex is referring to. Fate is a fickle thing? Next update is going to be on May 12! But my patrons will be able to see it on May 8! Please consider supporting me!
Chapter 5, page 2
This is where Father Yannis lives! Not too luxurious… Martha and Arthur meet again. Early update for you, as there’s a change in how I do things! Now, my patrons can see the next page IMMEDIATELY! If you’re my patron,[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…