Archive for orestes
Happy New Year everyone. 🙂 I kept from updating during the holidays so as not to bring any of us down 😉 The song Fotis is singing is this one- a partisan song from the occupation: I’m pretty sure that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
There’s a reason why Orestes and Basil don’t like being in a room together. On another note, I completely forgot to tell you to check out the ‘Extra Art’ gallery! I have Basil and Martha’s engagement photo there- a chance[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Update, finally! Martha is the voice of reason. You didn’t think I forgot Diomedes and Alex, did you? On the corpse cart: In Greek it is referred to as “The Municipality Cart”, which made the rounds collecting the bodies of[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
And so we begin our new chapter! Basil has managed to get Fotis to safety, at least for now. Still very little love lost between those two. Also, Martha isn’t happy- even though she has a cool mosin nagant sniper[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
So Martha and Orestes are arguing. As they are known to do. Don’t forget to vote for WM! I need the reinforcement 😀